Rediscovering Awe in a world of AI

Awe. What is it exactly?

Have you ever stood on a warm summer night, with clear skies and looked up at the stars? Our Futurist, Nick Hart spent the festive break with his family and friends camping under the stars in the York Peninsular, South Australia. Nick reflected on those special moments and said “sometimes we all just sat in amazement looking up at the night sky and contemplating how extraordinary the world is around us.“ That is one perspective of awe.

In 2023, the Fast Company published an article reflecting on how generative AI is changing our perception of awe. You can read the full article here. With AI creating images beyond the surreal, is it really going to be more difficult to find those special moments? At Strawberry Sauce, we still love every moment to be outdoors, breath the fresh air, and get some exercise. This is our perspective:

The importance of outdoor activities

Our team, while enthusiasts of all things digital and technology, spend most of the weekends and evenings outdoors, connecting to nature. Simple activities like walking, running, or camping have gained a renewed significance. When we engage in these activities, we are not just moving our bodies for exercise, we are immersing ourselves in the environment, feeling the breeze, hearing the rustle of leaves, finding a few moments of mindfulness away from the busy day-to-day.

Time away from the technology

Even in a world where AI can conjure up anything we can imagine, for us, there is still magic in the everyday. The trick is to notice and appreciate these moments. Watch a sunset, listen to birds, feel the texture of leaves, or enjoy breathing in the air. Yes, AI is super cool, but let's not forget about the amazing world we live in. We believe enjoying these experiences just makes us great AI wranglers!

Picture: Taken by Nick Hart, York Peninsula December 2023


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