When a system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence have the capacity to shift the entire system.
— Ilya Prigogine

A Chartered Accountant, an Economist and an Operations Manager walk into a bar…

Three inspired and engaged paint drip people were drawn together by a passion for innovation and breaking preconceptions of what is possible. Our powers combined have taken future strategy objectives off the page and brought them to life in the here and now.

Our Mission

We believe people deserve to spend more time on the work that matters to them, the work that makes them feel alive and fulfilled.

We know that Generative AI is a powerful tool that can help remove or streamline the boring and mundane parts of our work, and build profound insights.

Our mission is to demystify and democratise access to the full power of Generative AI by tailoring bespoke solutions that help you focus on the work that matters most to you.